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Regulation of Autonomous Communities television in the new political period.Plural governance, citizen participation and political information in the new Law of the Aragonese Corporation of Public Radiotelevision

14 Mar 2017
7827 veces


© David Vila-Viñas

Universidad de Zaragoza (España)

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In this paper, we analyse the current procedures of governance and social participation in the public regional media. To do so, we take into consideration the recently enacted reform of the Aragonese Corporation of Radio and Television   (Cartv), introduced by the regional Act 4/2016, May, the 19th. Indeed, this paper focuses on the guarantees of the plural  governance of the media and of certain levels of social participation, such as the election of the members of the board of directors and of the CEO, the professional criteria and transparent procedures of election, the functions and membership of the board of directors and the outsourcing and financing policies, among other relevant matters.

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