Extraterritorial enforcement of the European Union General Regulation on Data Protection (GDPR): consequences for Mexico
© Rosa María de la Torre Torres
Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo (México)
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©Brenda Yessenia Olalde Vázquez
Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo (México)
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On May the 25th, 2018 came into force the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), relating to the Protection of Personal Data of Persons and the Free Movement of Data. This European Union Regulation has implications beyond the borders of the very same EU.
The aim of this paper is to analyze the effect of the extraterritorial application of the new Regulation of the EU, in the Mexican legal space of data protection.
The recitals and articles of the GDPR related to the extraterritorial application of this regulation are of special interest as they help to blur the juridical borders that, until recently, hindered the effective protection of personal data in the state legislations.
There are three aspects of main relevance that this regulation provides for in terms of data protection: concerning the data processing activities related to the supply of goods or services to interested parties in the EU, the activities of processing personal data by a controller or a processor not established in the EU and the processing of personal data made by controllers not settled in the EU and to whom the Law of a Member State is applicable due to International Public Law.
The analyzed Regulation here sets new interesting parameters in terms of territorial application, involving companies and individuals that previously would not be affected by it.
Statistical confidentiality and personal data protection as limits to the access to public information. Crime statistics
© Rosa María Tourís López
Secretaría de Estado de Seguridad
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The Statistical Services are in charge of the collection, treatment and systematic ordering of the data required for the exercise of the public statistical function, in many cases dealing with personal data. Hence those Services have to assess and balance the applicability of the rules concerning the State bodies in charge of statistal functions, and, especially, statistical confidentiality when information is requested in accordance with the right of access to information related to statistical crimes´ data, along with the regulations on personal data protection.
Questioning the protection of European General Data Regulation: identifying key problems
© Rosa María García Sanz
Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España)
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General Data Protection Regulation provides several provisions that allow political parties to perform lawful processing of sensitive data based on very ambiguous terminology, such as “public interest”. These provisions allow a wide range of interpretation, creating a lot of risks, such as inconsistency between published law and practice. In addition, a very powerful technology, which current electoral law does not contemplate, makes all these issues a very important challenge to democracy. Robust legal and technical measures along with absolute transparency over data processing must be provided. It could help prevent abuses and safeguard against some threats to representative democracy.
Data protection and digital rights: the architecture of the new regulatory binomy
© Pilar Dopazo Fraguío
Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España)
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In this paper we present and analyze the main regulatory developments relating to data protection that have been incorporated by the General Data Protection Regulation [Spanish acronym RGPD] (2016) enacted, with full effect since May 2018, and considered a summup of the guiding principles applicable to data processing. Also, in Spain, developing and completing this European law, -binding and shared law by the 27 UE members-, there has been promulgated the Organic Law 3/2018, of December the 5th, on Personal Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights. It has entered into force in December, the 7th. The latter also incorporates an innovative catalogue of digital rights which is a legal milestone, recognizing the aforementioned rights, and lays the groundwork for strengthening the fundamental protection of this specific type of rights, characterized by their sensitive identifying objects – increasingly appreciated non-tangible legal goods- that require a dignified protection and ad hoc guarantees.
Data protection and the freedom of information in France after the aproval of the new European Regulation
© Emmanuel DERIEUX
Universidad Panthéon-Assas (Paris 2)
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(Traducción al español: M.P. Cousido-González)
The French Law of January, the 6th, 1978, called “Law on computing and freedoms”, has been amended and completed on several occasions. Even recently, by the Law of June, the 20th, 2018, to adapt it to the European Regulation of April, 27th, 2016, called “General Regulation on Data Protection (GRDP)”. Its text has been revised by the Ordinance of December, the 12th, 2018, so, officially, it becomes clearer and more coherent. For the benefit of individuals, both texts enshrine the principle of the right to protected personal data. Notwithstanding, in those texts there are exemptions to the set rules for the sake of the journalistic activity.