Review of the book written by Concepción Calvo Herrera "How to finance your film"
©Celia Forneas
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
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"How to finance your film" is the book that has recently produced Concepcion Calvo Herrera, Publisher Fragua. 2017 (p. 187). The author focuses, naturally, on the figure of the producer, the sources, public or private, of financing the Spanish cinema. She doesn`t forget anything. For example: the criteria for the evaluation of the project, the decalogue to submit the dossier "well-structured, with a layout visually attractive."
Gone are the days of the Spanish civil war in which the cinema´s ticket price was subsidized. In Spain, at that time, television did not exist, most people were illiterate, in their homes Spanish did not enjoy either hot water or toilet. In those days, they only had poverty and going to the cinema was considered a first need product, similar to a baguette. Cinema was the only entertainment for most Spanish population in those difficult times (p.118). At present, the price paid by a spectator for a film ticket largely depends on the place where the cinema lies and on other factors. Hence the ticket price is different in each Autonomous Community and in some towns or villages in the Spanish territory (p.118-19).
Key issues to effectively communicate Law
© José María Pérez Zúñiga
Universidad de Granada (España)
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When we speak about the communication of Law, we actually refer to the information of Law or, if we prefer it, to a real communication of the Law, but it does not differ substantially from the communication of any another type of matter inside the episteme understood as science that expresses itself in the reasoning and the intuition. In this article, departing from the constitutional regulation of the right to information, we analyze the key questions to effectively communicate the Law.
Legal obligations of Spanish journalistic companies in the maintenance of their corporate information and documentation
© David Parra Valcarce
Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España)
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In this article, we analyze the legal obligations that journalistic companies in Spain must observe in their corporate information maintenance in accordance with nowaday´s legislation. Five areas of the corporate documentation of this sort of companies are examined: corporate, accounting, commercial, labour and fiscal documentation. In this paper we also examine the effects of the data protection phenomenon in corporate documentation maintenance, in addition to other regulations applicable to the information companies. The multiplicity of faces that the concept of corporate documentation comprises involves the application of standards of the most varied nature. As a consequence, the legal periods of conservation of this corporate information are very different in each case, ranging from a minimum of three years to a maximum of thirty years.
The right to create audiovisual media. Evolution of constitutional jurisprudence and liberalization of radio and television activity
© Javier García García
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (España)
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The purpose of this paper is to deepen the constitutional dimension of the right to create means, as a right derived from section 20 of the Spanish Constitution. To this end, we analyze and systematize the constitutional jurisprudence and the rules of the radio and television activity, using primary and secondary sources for the purpose of contributing new elements of analysis.
In the first part of the paper, we intend to review the doctrine and constitutional jurisprudence regarding the right to create media, the discussion concerning the qualification of the activity as public service and its relationship to the exercise of fundamental rights. From the jurisprudential overview we analyze the legal changes that end up with the approval of the general law of audiovisual communication, what provides us a better understanding of the transformations that have taken place in this sector.
The technological and regulatory evolution has had an important impact on the creation of audiovisual media, which leads us to ask about the validity of existing jurisprudence. In this sense the novelty of the text is to show that this evolution of the audiovisual sector has also been accompanied by new problems in access to radio and television licenses, reproducing, in some cases, issues already addressed by constitutional jurisprudence. At the same time new challenges and scenarios arise in relation to the scarcity of radio spectrum.
Television journalism in judicial buildings (considering the ruling of the Supreme Court of Spain, April, 16th, 2016)
© Vicente J. Navarro Marchante
Universidad de La Laguna (España)
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The ruling of the Supreme Court of Spain, April 16th , 2016 sorts out the appeal raised by the Association of Journalists of Catalonia against the rules of access of audiovisual media to the judicial buildings in Barcelona. Those rules forbid their free work in the corridors and transit zones of the building and force them to remain in the press room. The reasons wielded by the courts are essentially three: the corridors and dependencies of the judicial building are not a source of general access information (STC 56/2004), the rights of third parties can be violated and the normal performance of the different judicial activities that take place in the building is jeopardized. Confronted with these reasons, journalists appeal to the freedom of information and to the relevance of their work on account of its general interest. At the same time, they ask for the personal rights of celebrities not to be considered unlimited while emphasizing that judicial buildings are areas open to the general public.
Let us auction them... already. About the de lege lata possibility of granting the audiovisual licenses to the best bidder
© Manuel Peláez Muras [i]
Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (España)
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The provision of audiovisual services via terrestrial airwaves requires holding a license which is granted to the best offer in a public tender. The determination of which is the best offer depends on the criteria set out discretionarily for each tender, under the framework set by the Audiovisual Communication Act. This scheme gives rise to major disadvantages and dysfunctions. Domenech Pascual has suggested to avoid those by substituting tenders with auctions, so that the licenses are awarded to the highest bidder. In this paper we aim to investigate to what extent the current legal system would allow to undertake such a proposal or a similar one in which the price offered by tenderers is decisive. In addition, taking into account the Spanish audiovisual industry crisis, there must be considered the legal feasibility of ending the current licenses ahead of schedule so that the auctions (or some other institution of the sort) may be carried out as soon as possible.
[i] Manuel Peláez es funcionario de carrera del Cuerpo Superior Jurídico de la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha y Letrado de la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (España). Las opiniones expresadas en este escrito reflejan exclusivamente el criterio del autor y no deben ser atribuidas a ninguna de esas instituciones.
Regulation of Autonomous Communities television in the new political period.Plural governance, citizen participation and political information in the new Law of the Aragonese Corporation of Public Radiotelevision
© David Vila-Viñas
Universidad de Zaragoza (España)
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In this paper, we analyse the current procedures of governance and social participation in the public regional media. To do so, we take into consideration the recently enacted reform of the Aragonese Corporation of Radio and Television (Cartv), introduced by the regional Act 4/2016, May, the 19th. Indeed, this paper focuses on the guarantees of the plural governance of the media and of certain levels of social participation, such as the election of the members of the board of directors and of the CEO, the professional criteria and transparent procedures of election, the functions and membership of the board of directors and the outsourcing and financing policies, among other relevant matters.
The football war: the regulation, acquisition and exploitation of television broadcasting rights of football in Spain, since the arrival of private tv until today
©Francisco Aguilar Calderón
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
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©Anna Adeliño Recasens
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
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©Azahara Carretero Nevado
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
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The dispute over the control of broadcasting rights for football has been an ongoing at a European level since the emergence of competition in the television market. This article focuses on Spain and describes the behaviour of its football industry, analyzing the regulation, acquisition and exploitation of audiovisual rights. The study is divided into two main sections. On the one hand, a comparative framework analyzing the European models of the leagues that have the greatest economic impact on the audiovisual market. On the other hand, the evolution of the Spanish model until the new legislation emerged in our country: Real Decreto Ley 5/2015, de 30 de abril, de Medidas Urgentes en Relación con la Comercialización de los Derechos de Explotación de Contenidos Audiovisuales de las Competiciones de Fútbol Profesional.