© Arturo Gómez Quijano
Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España)
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©Lelia Zapata Palacios
Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España)
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This paper aims to outline the horizon of the internal corporate communication, deepening the profile of the manager as well in their assigned resources as in the methodology of work. It takes as reference for its conclusions a quantitative study based on a structured test, applied to the fourteen universities in the region of Madrid. The test includes two types of items: information on the generic profile of these professionals and information on the work methodology, tools and functions they claim to perform. Internal communication management moves forward thanks to the communication methodology. This is noticeable if we compare the current communication methodology to that of 2005. Notwithstanding, there are areas that could be improved, such as that of allocation of better budget lines. Our results are a consequence of a descriptive research, quantitative and explanatory at the same time. In this paper we present the internal informational reality of public and private universities, setting a comparison between public and private universities in terms of functions, tasks and work methodology. Here we have verified that both types of universities, despite their shortcomings, are acting as open and dialogic entities with their stakeholders despite budgetary constraints. Its main challenge is to move the different members of the university community towards a participative culture and educational innovation, adapted to the new requirements of society in a world in constant transformation.