Revista Internacional de Derecho de la Comunicación y de las Nuevas Tecnologías. SEMESTRAL. ISSN: 1988‐2629

Call for Papers 2024 y 2025:  envíos abstracts hasta 10 de junio 2024 (número octubre 2024) /Call for papers 2025: envíos abstracts hasta el 10 de diciembre de 2024 (número abril 2025)

DERECOM. Derecho de la Comunicación. - Elementos filtrados por fecha: Martes, 15 Septiembre 2020

© Rubén Rodríguez Abril

Universidad de Sevilla (España)

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El autor de este artículo propone usar la tecnología de protocolo distribuido (DLT) para crear un nuevo ordenamiento cambiario de carácter electrónico, en el que el giro, la transmisión y la presentación al pago de letras de cambio, cheques y pagarés se realizarían mediante transacciones dentro de una blockchain privada gobernada por el protocolo de Libra. La creación, modificación y extinción de los títulos-valores se realizarían por contratos inteligentes (módulos) ubicados en la cuenta de la Fábrica Nacional de la Moneda y Timbre (en el caso de las letras de cambio) o en las cuentas de los bancos particulares (en el caso de los cheques). En ningún caso los datos de los títulos-valores estarían a disposición de terceros, sino que su contenido quedaría ocultado mediante diversas técnicas de ofuscación. Aunque, por razones de espacio, se ha analizado fundamentalmente el caso de las letras de cambio, los esquemas presentados en este artículo serían de plena aplicación al conjunto de los títulos-valores y valores negociables.

Publicado en Artículos de fondo
Martes, 15 Septiembre 2020 00:00

Controllo dei lavoratori in smart working

© Chiara Furios

Instituto Nacional Italiano de la Seguridad Social

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L’articolo vuole evidenziare come le nuove tecnologie offrano modalità indirette di controllo del lavoratore.

Come sappiamo, lo Statuto dei Lavoratori regola le modalità con cui il datore di lavoro può controllare il lavoratore, ponendogli una serie di limiti, ad esempio nell'installazione di telecamere, nelle modalità di rilevamento della presenza, nel controllo della navigazione tramite Internet e uso della posta elettronica.

L’emergenza COVID-19 ha incrementato in modo improvviso e senza precedenti la percentuale di lavoratori in smart working e quindi le forme di controllo sul lavoratore sono necessariamente cambiate rispetto a quelle applicate all'interno della sede aziendale.

Per la tutela della dignità, della privacy e della libertà di comunicazione è necessario aggiornare le forme di tutela e informazione del lavoratore.

L'articolo illustrerà come sia possibile controllare il telelavoratore attraverso il controllo delle sessioni, la posta elettronica e come l'utilizzo dei computer e dello smartphone dell'azienda permetta al datore di lavoro di monitorare ogni attività che ha avuto luogo, anche durante l'orario non lavorativo, in questi dispositivi.

Publicado en Artículos de fondo

© Bernard Boëne

International School of Governance, Geneva

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Attempting to account for the rise of populisms in the West, this paper starts with a summary statement of liberal democracy’s basic principles and requirements. It suggests that Western countries have deviated in a number of ways from its central tenets over the last decades, depriving majorities of a say on collective destiny under the influence of globalization, neoliberalism and the major trend towards the individualization of social relations that has marked the last half-century.

After briefly tackling the problems raised by the nature and substance of populism in general, it characterizes the three main varieties it identifies and assesses the imbalance of their respective forces. It then hypothesizes that the civic variety, the least politicized of the three, plays a key role as a natural attractor whose influence is fuelled in part by the other two’s strategies of convergence to expand their support base, but more importantly by the ways in which the current state of affairs – economic insecurity of the lower and middle classes, social inequalities and polarization, unresponsive elites, excessive external and judicial constraints on the popular will, disproportionate normative influence of small minorities, restricted freedoms, harassment of law-abiding citizens, absence of a political way out of the system’s current predicament – affects the everyday lives of majorities irrespective of political leanings. This may account for the astonishing extent, revealed by opinion polls even more than by voting results, of the discontent and malaise evinced by Western populations, whose predominant response is a mix of derision and cynicism giving the Zeitgeist its distinctive flavour. What’s more, electoral contexts marked by tight results turn a reduced but not insignificant proportion of potential civic populists without entrenched political leanings into kingmakers, or at least put them in a position to help populist leaders achieve political prominence as a sign of protest.

The article goes on to probe the evidence in support of its contentions by examining the various identified drivers of populisms as well as the historical genesis of individualization, plus the disruption of the delicate balance between individual rights and citizenship norms that liberal democracy implies.This is followed by a critical review of possible remedies envisaged to restore that balance. Finally, the author relies on recent country studies conducted on behalf of the More in Common Project to try and locate in Western nations’ social, cultural and political landscapes the potential civic populist middle whose existence forms his central conjecture.

The paper’s conclusion summarizes its main points before turning to a critical evaluation of the pragmatic feasibility and sociopolitical worth of what civic populists yearn for (and may well constitute the ultimate meaning of populisms) – a return to citizenship and the nation-state – in circumstances that are substantially different from those which prevailed in their previous heyday.

Publicado en Artículos de fondo


Revista Internacional de Derecho de la Comunicación y de las Nuevas Tecnologías. Semestral


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