Revista Internacional de Derecho de la Comunicación y de las Nuevas Tecnologías. SEMESTRAL. ISSN: 1988‐2629

Call for Papers 2023:  envíos abstracts hasta 30 de mayo 2023 (número octubre 2023) /Call for papers 2023: envíos abstracts hasta 31 de diciembre de 2023 (número abril 2024)

Pilar Cousido

Pilar Cousido

Profesora titular de Derecho de la información en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid desde 1994.
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"(...)2. Los hechos relevantes para el examen de la pretensión de amparo son, sucintamente relatados, los siguientes: a) El día 10 de febrero de 2002 el Sr. Pallarés Bayona, interno en el Centro penitenciario de Ponent, elevó queja al Juzgado de Vigilancia 

Penitenciaria de Cataluña núm. 3 por el registro del que, en su ausencia, había sido objeto su celda el día 8 de febrero. Abierto el correspondiente expediente (núm. 209-2002), el Subdirector de interior del centro informó, a requerimiento del Juzgado, que el registro se había debido a informaciones previas relativas a que otro de los ocupantes de la celda podía esconder sustancias prohibidas en la misma. Asimismo informó que la ausencia de los ocupantes de la celda durante el registro se debió a que los mismos se encontraban en los talleres del centro y, por medio del informe del Jefe de servicios, que se requisaron tres folios con dibujos y frases ofensivas hacia los funcionarios y el centro. (...)




" (...) 2. Los hechos en que se fundamenta el presente recurso son, en síntesis, los siguientes: a) El diario "El Mundo" publicó, en su edición del día 6 de febrero de 1997, una serie de noticias relativas a la investigación del patrimonio del ahora recurrente realizada en el entonces todavía sumario sobre la ilegal utilización de los fondos reservados en el Ministerio del Interior. En la portada de ese diario aparecía la siguiente información: "Un íntimo de Corcuera dice ser dueño del chalé investigado por la juez. El ex sindicalista
Pedro Mansilla ni lo ha ocupado ni aparecía en el Registro. El arquitecto Julio Touza reconoce haber hecho 40 comisarías para Interior - El BBV dio un crédito de 75 millones a Corcuera, que el todavía ministro no utilizó". Esta noticia se remitía a la pág. 14, en donde se incluía un artículo firmado por los Sres. Cerdán y Rubio titulado: "Un íntimo de Corcuera dice ser el propietario del chalé investigado por la Juez Marugán. Pedro Mansilla, vinculado al ex ministro desde su etapa sindical en UGT, figura como titular. (...)"

©Juan Antonio Martínez-Bretón Mateos-Villegas  

Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España)

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Recensión sobre la obra Marca e identidad del cine español. Proyección nacional e internacional entre 1980 y 2014, Emilio C. García Fernández (Editor), Editorial Fragua, 2015, 810 pgs.

En un momento en que parece que los españoles empezamos a querer ver y a valorar nuestro cine, se publica el libro Marca e identidad del cine español, un voluminoso texto con militante vocación de análisis y profunda preocupación por los comportamientos que se han manifestado en torno a la creación, el mercado y la aceptación del cine y de otros canales audiovisuales durante los últimos lustros de implantación democrática.


©Fernando Treviño Espinosa

UniversidadAutónoma de Tamaulipas (México)

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©Arely M. Orozco

Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas (México)

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In the present work, on the one hand, we will try to reflect on the civilian´s participation in the culture of the prevention of risks through information networks in Tampico's metropolitan area, and, on the other, we will try to understand the trends generated by citizens.

In order to deal and to identify these actions the participative communication is studied through local cases, which will present us with knowledge and technologies in favour of decisions and collective actions, strategically assuming the intervention of the communicator as a sort of articulating means. Thus we will try to identify the aptitude to confront the increasingly atypical, continuous and highly destructive climate phenomena with resilience.

The review of similar experiences in other contexts will represent a strong support in the method of analysis of these processes. The integration of the citizens will be studied in different social groups (through networks), in order to propitiate the participation that brings them to make better decisions before events of risk and environmental catastrophes take place.

We will go through preventive planning action across the communicative intervention, about the social processes considered from the corporative communication. We will also take into account the right of firms to enjoy precise information for making decisions that allow them to enjoy better ways of life.


©Victoria Selma Penalva  

Universidad de Murcia (España)

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The aim of the this contribution is to highlight the ethico-professional duties of the journalists, as well as to analyze their rights. For this reason, we have gone into the rights enshrined in the Spanish Constitution so much of the journalist as of third persons who involved in the events dealt with by the media. Specifically, we have gone into the following constitutionally protected rights: the right to freedom of information and the right to one´s honour, to one´s personal and family privacy and to one's own image. In addition, we have analyzed different court judgements.



©Stella Feroleto

Studi Magna Graecia Di Catanzaro (Italia)

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In this article, we go deep into the subject of testimonial evidence in Italian criminal trial and we go deeper into the protection of confessional secret in the Italian legal system. We discuss costitutional aspects and foundations of such an important matter in law.

Legal regulation of professional secrecy and, in particular, legal regulation of ministerial secrecy, is fundamental to the development of the personality of the individual and its justification is based upon the requirement of justice and the protection of fundamental ratios in order to guarantee the enjoyment of constitutional goods and values.Ministerial secret is inviolable. The transgression of  the ministerial secrecy is a great betrayal of liberty and independence of ministerial confidence based on trust between both the confessor and the penitent.


©Arely Millán  

                                                         Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas (México)


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© Alfonso Tello Iturbe

Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas

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©Alberto Gómez Isassi

Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas

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Citizens are entitled to be timely, accurately and impartially informed; the inhabitants of any place in the world should have identified local references, which might allow them to move into higher standards of living; they should be able to get aware of their environmental contexts.  Their right to be informed about the risks of living in a place such as Tampico should be efficiently managed in the communication by the local media.

In this contribution we mean to present a case study in the harbour of Tampico Tamaulipas, Mexico, a reflective exercise starting with the origin and continuing with the management of radio broadcasting, in which the participation of citizens will be reviewed in relation to the news presented not only in the daily events, but through a kind of journalism where  the origin of natural and anthropogenic risks threatening society in the area are fully identified, so that the community radio broadcasting contributes daily to the creation and consolidation of a socially built culture focused on  risks that represent a threat to a large part of the area inhabitants. This population, on account of their low socioeconomic conditions, share high rates of vulnerability, which require a greater commitment of both society and those who work for  newspapers and the media, in general, in the southern part of the sSate of Tamaulipas.




© Tamara Rosa Bueno Doral

Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España)

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©Noelia García Castillo

Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España)

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In this contribution we show the research carried out in the area of international legislation about asylum and gender-related persecution as a possible cause for protection. The applied methodology includes in-depth interviews with Spanish and French experts in the matter, as well as with a score of women asylum applicants in both countries. In the same way, we include the documentary analysis made in the field of the current regulations. Furthermore, we enclose a comparative study of the processes of asylum application and the statistics of concession. In our research work we expect to find out if any progress in considering genderrelated persecution as a decisive cause for concession has been achieved. On the other hand, we also try to discover which are the challenges for international jurisprudence to make effective the respect towards fundamental rights.



©Daniel Capodiferro Cubero  

Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (España)

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Currently, advertising is already considered more than a simple commercial activity. It should be analysed as an exercise of the freedom of expression of the person responsible for the campaign and, as such, must be regulated for ensuring it will not damage other’s rights or legal interests. This is particularly important when speaking about children, who, despite their vulnerability, can be both active and passive agents of advertising campaigns. For the purpose of compensating children’s immaturity and the associated risks, the legislator articulates a reinforced protection for the rights and the best interest of the children. This will be particularly effective as limits on the communicative freedoms in order to ensure his present well-being and a correct evolving process free from harmful interferences. In the specific case of advertising expressions, the protection itself of the rights of youngsters and children is interspersed with that of consumers, understood as economic agents, takes place at a multilevel system where European regulations, national ones and codes of conduct operate simultaneously and not always well coordinated. Anyway, all of the involved rules should be interpreted together and considering the mentioned best interest of children with the aim of ensuring the constitutionally warranted protection of youngsters and children.



©Miguel Ángel Barbero González  

Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España)

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In this contribution we will go into the evolution of women´s role in the Olympic Games of summer. We will not focus as much on sports trademarks or achievements but on what concerns to how visible women are and how much equality is there in the treatment they receive and during contended matches.


Revista Internacional de Derecho de la Comunicación y de las Nuevas Tecnologías. Semestral


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